Monday, January 03, 2005

What I learned working here

1. Style is equally important as substance. How to interact with people, how you project yourself in public (presentations, meetings, etc.)

2. People skills critical. It doesn't just mean teh ability to get along well with people as most of us do. It means, in a corporate environkent, the ability to sense the mood of a group, identify what motivates people, have the ability to influence the group mood, motivate people to achieve a common goal.

3. Focus. Success is hard work. Got to focus. Do one thing and do one thing well and right is more important than do 2 things and do a mediocer job in both. I'm still lack of focus. Got to hone in on this in 2005.

4. If you don't have formed an opinion yet, say so.

5. Acknolwedge that there are things you don't know, yet.

6. Listen for merits, not status.

7. Leadership can be a lonely thing to do. Be sure you know that before taking on a leadership role.


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